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About Us

Greetings my friend! I'm Alexandre Joyal (you can call me Alex) and I'm the founder of Meta Mind Music.

Let me ask you...

  • - Do you have a burning desire to make music?
  • - Do you want to unlock your creative voice?
  • - Do you want to produce professionally finished tracks?
  • - Do you have THE DREAM to pursue your creativity and music production as a full-time career? 

Yes? Congratulations, you’re in the right place.

Whether your experienced or a beginner, a sonic shaman or a late-night studio warrior, you probably want to make professional sounding music.

Here's where Meta Mind Music can help you.

The beautiful thing about today's music world is you can achieve pro results from your home studio without spending tons of money. 

Affordable studio gear and more powerful computers have opened the doors for music makers to push their creativity to new levels without the burden of being "on-the-clock" in a commercial studio.

Infinite potential is at your fingertips. 


Are you getting the results you want?

The truth is, you probably already have all the gear you need to make awesome recordings. You just need the proper training, audio knowledge, and creative mindset.

Instead of having to sift through the thousands of books, online articles, videos, tutorials, magazines and blog posts on recording and mixing:

Subscribe to Meta Mind Music and get guidance on how to create a professionally finished song from start to finish.

You'll get my years of schooling, education, plus my recording, mixing and production experience condensed into proven strategies, techniques and mindsets to create amazing music.

Let me guide you to fast track your results.

All my email subscribers get my best information and join the exclusive community of action takers.

Are you someone who takes action and is passionate about music?

My material is for you.

I have a unique way of looking at recording and mixing.

Yes, my passion is to educate and empower the next wave of musical geniuses (that's you) to create extraordinary music from their home studios. But I live to spark your authentic voice through your music creation.

My mission is to help you to find the passion and purpose behind your music and develop the mindset to unlock your creativity.

Music production is largely a mental game. The foundation to develop is your mindset.

Download the Mindset Map Here

There's more to art then tweaking and fiddling knobs.

The REAL art of music is the fulfillment you feel as you transform yourself when you make it.

As you complete more projects, you'll become better, you'll learn new concepts, and you'll develop your creativity.

Eventually, you'll be a new person.

You’ll develop your authentic voice and be able to share it with others. There is no better pathway for personal development!

That’s what I feel music is all about. And If you’re here, then you probably feel the same too - am I right?

Ready to get started? Click here to download your free Mindset Map and learn your next steps on your musical journey.





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Two Step

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