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5 Musicpreneur Mindset Must-Haves

What’s needed in today’s music world to achieve a successful career?


More specifically, a creative mindset of success.

A headspace that supports your creative talents and guides you towards building the career of your dreams.

What is “mindset” though?

Your mindset can be defined as your general attitude and how you shape your perceptions of the world (and yourself) based on your experiences. It is the single most powerful tool in your arsenal to support and serve you throughout the entirety of your life. DEEP

Your attitude and thought patterns are the mental architecture that will support all of your future efforts, opportunities and artistic creations.

Did I build it up enough? Lol

Ze Musicpreneur, Hon Hon

To be successful as a musicpreneur, you need the right mindset. Thankfully your mindset is something that you can control, you just have to learn to utilize it properly.

Success in the music world today has greatly changed from a linear to a more creative process. On top of your musical and creative talents, you must master several other skills such as setting goals, financial planning, networking, marketing, branding and being able to build an audience.

Get your self doubting though tendencies out of the way, and make way for the mindset of success. Boss mode engage.

So, how can you start to develop your entrepreneurial mindset of success?

5 Mindset Music Haves For Musicians

1. Clarify Your Vision

A vision of what you want to achieve is one of the greatest motivators you’ll ever find. There’s a reason why vision boards are so attractive. Clear intention behind your actions will fuel your ambitions.

Be honest with yourself about what fires up a passionate desire! The clearer you can describe it, the deeper it will inspire you to act.

What does your life look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? What milestones have you achieved? What stage are you at in your career? What does your lifestyle look like?

What kind of artist do you want to be? Answer honestly. There is NO limit to the kind of artist you can be.

Dig deep. Figure out what you really want. What is your dream?

Although, it’s not all about the plan. Plans change, situations change, desires change. However, the insight you’ll gain through contemplating your life goals will help you channel your focus in the right direction.

Keeping a long term mentality will help you develop a consistent approach and persevere through the inevitable roadblocks as they arise. Focus on the big picture.

It will help you avoid the shiny object syndrome; getting sidetracked and distracted by new things. A purposeful vision will give you greater confidence to take action each day.

2. Create A Routine

It’s funny how most people naturally think that organization and planning are the opposite of art and creativity. The truth is that they are both essential and support each other.

Create a schedule that includes all the necessary categories within building your career. Map out a timeline as to when to create content, plan, work on the business side of things, and most importantly a time to make music.

Once you have some concrete long term goals, break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Then, focusing on one step at a time, delegate certain tasks to specific times throughout the week.

Start with one completable task per day, and scale up from there. You’ll be amazed at how motivating it is to check off something from your checklist. If you make it a habit to complete an important task every day, you’ll always be moving towards your goals.

With that momentum, you’ll start to feel productive. From there you must harness the important belief; that your success is inevitable.

If you’re having some trouble mapping out a plan, this leads us to the next tip.

3. Action Creates Clarity

Do you find yourself often trapped between wanting to do, and actually taking action?

Stop planning and start acting

I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but I sure have. It can be described as the space between knowing what you should do and what you actually do.

Having huge ambition, big plans, but no action.

I love the maxim “action creates clarity”. One of my teachers Jordan Valeriote showed me the power of this principle.

We often become stagnant by seeking perfection and over-planning. The truth is, you just have to start taking action.

It can be messy, it can be sloppy. Just make it happen.

You’ll find that you actually gain more creative insights in the process of doing, over the process of planning. We learn more by doing. And we come up with more meaningful, creative solutions when we actively work through problems.

I’ve re-discovered this, time and time again in.

4. Creative Process

It’s important to have a process you follow to channel and inspire your creativity. If you plan on building a career based upon your creative efforts, you need to be able to create, consistently.

Most think that the potential to be creative is a talent, but in truth, it’s a work ethic. Everyone can be creative.

In fact, everyone already is creative.

It so happens that every creative endeavor has a process. A system that allows creativity and productivity to prosper through clearly defined steps.

Take making wine for example; first, you pick a specific type of grape, then you crush them all together. Then, you sift through the concoction and separate the juice from the pulp. Next, you combine the juice with other ingredients. As it ferments, it starts to take a new form. You filter it, and transform it into a more purified form; to then finally bottle it and ship it away!

The same process can be echoed when making music. A system that allows help you establish clear steps to achieve a completed product.

5. Positivity

If you change your perception of a situation, you can change the way it makes you feel. Thus, you must shift your mindset into a positive uplifting space!

Self-doubt has no place in your bright future.

Tony Grey *I could either keep my dream bigger than my fear or let my fears consume me to the point where I’d begin to create my own self imposed limitations*

When your positive, you celebrate every win, you’re grateful, you meet new people, things seem to just keep happening. When we put out more positive vibes out there, they always seem come back to us.

If you change yourself, you change the world.

If this sounds too hippie-dippie to you, be reassured. Research from positive psychology and neuroscience has shown that when you are optimistic and experience positive emotions, you are better able to cultivate a mindset to engage in behaviors that give rise to more success and fulfillment.

You have the power to shape your perceptions to keep a positive outlook.

In other words, success flows from positivity! When you are actively engaged in pursuing what you love, you’ll be more inspired and motivated to do what it takes to create that success.

What is the mindset of your mind, set to?

What’s needed in today’s music world to achieve a successful career?


More specifically, a creative mindset of success.

A headspace that supports your creative talents and guides you towards building the career of your dreams.

What is “mindset” though?

Your mindset can be defined as your general attitude and how you shape your perceptions of the world (and yourself) based on your experiences. It is the single most powerful tool in your arsenal to support and serve you throughout the entirety of your life. DEEP

Your attitude and thought patterns are the mental architecture that will support all of your future efforts, opportunities and artistic creations.

Did I build it up enough? Lol

Ze Musicpreneur, Hon Hon

To be successful as a musicpreneur, you need the right mindset. Thankfully your mindset is something that you can control, you just have to learn to utilize it properly.

Success in the music world today has greatly changed from a linear to a more creative process. On top of your musical and creative talents, you must master several other skills such as setting goals, financial planning, networking, marketing, branding and being able to build an audience.

Get your self doubting though tendencies out of the way, and make way for the mindset of success. Boss mode engage.

So, how can you start to develop your entrepreneurial mindset of success?

5 Mindset Music Haves For Musicians

1. Clarify Your Vision

A vision of what you want to achieve is one of the greatest motivators you’ll ever find. There’s a reason why vision boards are so attractive. Clear intention behind your actions will fuel your ambitions.

Be honest with yourself about what fires up a passionate desire! The clearer you can describe it, the deeper it will inspire you to act.

What does your life look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? What milestones have you achieved? What stage are you at in your career? What does your lifestyle look like?

What kind of artist do you want to be? Answer honestly. There is NO limit to the kind of artist you can be.

Dig deep. Figure out what you really want. What is your dream?

Although, it’s not all about the plan. Plans change, situations change, desires change. However, the insight you’ll gain through contemplating your life goals will help you channel your focus in the right direction.

Keeping a long term mentality will help you develop a consistent approach and persevere through the inevitable roadblocks as they arise. Focus on the big picture.

It will help you avoid the shiny object syndrome; getting sidetracked and distracted by new things. A purposeful vision will give you greater confidence to take action each day.

2. Create A Routine

It’s funny how most people naturally think that organization and planning are the opposite of art and creativity. The truth is that they are both essential and support each other.

Create a schedule that includes all the necessary categories within building your career. Map out a timeline as to when to create content, plan, work on the business side of things, and most importantly a time to make music.

Once you have some concrete long term goals, break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Then, focusing on one step at a time, delegate certain tasks to specific times throughout the week.

Start with one completable task per day, and scale up from there. You’ll be amazed at how motivating it is to check off something from your checklist. If you make it a habit to complete an important task every day, you’ll always be moving towards your goals.

With that momentum, you’ll start to feel productive. From there you must harness the important belief; that your success is inevitable.

If you’re having some trouble mapping out a plan, this leads us to the next tip.

3. Action Creates Clarity

Do you find yourself often trapped between wanting to do, and actually taking action?

Stop planning and start acting

I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but I sure have. It can be described as the space between knowing what you should do and what you actually do.

Having huge ambition, big plans, but no action.

I love the maxim “action creates clarity”. One of my teachers Jordan Valeriote showed me the power of this principle.

We often become stagnant by seeking perfection and over-planning. The truth is, you just have to start taking action.

It can be messy, it can be sloppy. Just make it happen.

You’ll find that you actually gain more creative insights in the process of doing, over the process of planning. We learn more by doing. And we come up with more meaningful, creative solutions when we actively work through problems.

I’ve re-discovered this, time and time again in.

4. Creative Process

It’s important to have a process you follow to channel and inspire your creativity. If you plan on building a career based upon your creative efforts, you need to be able to create, consistently.

Most think that the potential to be creative is a talent, but in truth, it’s a work ethic. Everyone can be creative.

In fact, everyone already is creative.

It so happens that every creative endeavor has a process. A system that allows creativity and productivity to prosper through clearly defined steps.

Take making wine for example; first, you pick a specific type of grape, then you crush them all together. Then, you sift through the concoction and separate the juice from the pulp. Next, you combine the juice with other ingredients. As it ferments, it starts to take a new form. You filter it, and transform it into a more purified form; to then finally bottle it and ship it away!

The same process can be echoed when making music. A system that allows help you establish clear steps to achieve a completed product.

5. Positivity

If you change your perception of a situation, you can change the way it makes you feel. Thus, you must shift your mindset into a positive uplifting space!

Self-doubt has no place in your bright future.

Tony Grey *I could either keep my dream bigger than my fear or let my fears consume me to the point where I’d begin to create my own self imposed limitations*

When your positive, you celebrate every win, you’re grateful, you meet new people, things seem to just keep happening. When we put out more positive vibes out there, they always seem come back to us.

If you change yourself, you change the world.

If this sounds too hippie-dippie to you, be reassured. Research from positive psychology and neuroscience has shown that when you are optimistic and experience positive emotions, you are better able to cultivate a mindset to engage in behaviors that give rise to more success and fulfillment.

You have the power to shape your perceptions to keep a positive outlook.

In other words, success flows from positivity! When you are actively engaged in pursuing what you love, you’ll be more inspired and motivated to do what it takes to create that success.

What is the mindset of your mind, set to?

Interested in learning more? Click here to download your Mindset Map and discover your next steps in your musical journey.

My name is Alexandre Joyal. I help music creators achieve success with their music by teaching them how to produce themselves and adopt a creative mindset.


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