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The Modern Creative Problem - Does Too Much Choice Kill Your Creativity?

Decision anxiety, talk about a first-world problem…

Have you ever been sifting through the massive Netflix catalog to then realize you’ve been browsing for half an hour? This is a great example of what happens with too many choices.

It stifles your decision-making abilities, and thus your creativity.

While this applies to practically every creative pursuit, it is especially true when it comes to the modern 21st-century music-making DAW.

We’re bombarded with possibilities: plugins, effects, routing possibilities, instruments, microphones, arrangements, chord progressions, samples, melodies, etc. The choices are endless.

You must find a way to render the vastness of infinity into your creative work. You have to constrain, clarify and calibrate your options to stimulate your creativity.

Analysis Paralysis

The myth we seem to have bought into is that if choice is good, more choice is better.

However, in his book “The Paradox Of Choice” Barry Schwartz says...
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