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Why your new years resolution's will FAIL (and how not to)

The way you start anything has a huge effect on the result.

The first 10% of anything you do during the day, week, month or year has a huge impact on the rest of the 90% that follows. Once you build momentum, inertia is on your side.

If you’re serious about making 2024 your best musical year ever - it’s worth the effort to build a game plan

Why most people fail

The vast majority of people in the world do not do yearly reviews.

That sets them off at the beginning of the year at a massive disadvantage compared to those who do. Be the minority.

Those who DO a review usually use the wrong methods. The problem with most people's planning is that it’s too abstract, too touchy-feely, and isn’t actionable with clear steps to hit your goals.

Fact: Setbacks are constants. They will continue to happen again and again as time moves forward - that’s why you need to plan for it in advance.

  • Life will happen and throw curveballs

  • You will fall off the plan for your...

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Welcome the New Year of 2020 Third Eye Vision

Happy New Year!

We’ve just entered 2020, a new year and a new decade!

Along with celebrating the end/beginning of a year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year and envision the next one to come.

We all have the ambition to make our lives better. Better health, better relationships, better opportunities, better work-life balance and most of all, make better music.

In this post, I’d like to help you not only envision what 2020 will look for you but how to transform yourself into the person to turn that vision into reality!

2020 Vision

Someone with 20/20 vision has optimal use of their eyes.

However, how clearly can you see your future through your mind’s eye?

The single most important step towards accomplishing your new year's resolutions is to have a CLEAR vision; to have 20/20 vision in terms of your goals and desires.

This is the perfect analogy for the year 2020. Muahaha

The better you can paint the picture of what you would like to accomplish,...

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