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Top 10 FREE Plugins For Music Production 2021!

7 Simple Steps To Take Your Songs From Start To Finish. Download Your FREE Pro Producer Roadmap PDF:

Do you want to start making music with your computer without investing in super-expensive software?

Then this video is what you’re looking for.


In this video, I'll be going over the 10 best free plugins for music production.

These music production plugins are free to download and range from music production software to virtual instrument software and all kinds of fun free music-making software.

Here are the links to check them out:

#0 DAW Garage Band (Mac) -

Cakewalk (PC) -

Reaper -

#1 - Native Intrument Komplete Start

#2 - Spitfire Audio LABS

#3 - Drum Mic'a!

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Mixing Simplified - Workflow

Mindset check. Mixing tools check. Now we’re ready to talk about a mixing workflow; A game plan on how to approach the mix from beginning to end.

Mix Sequence Initiate!—Ze Plan

A workflow process will allow you to stay on track while working on a mix. It will allow you to stay in “flow state” aka “the zone” aka creative headspace.

All-too-often I’ve found myself at rock bottom, mindlessly adjusting knobs and getting lost in the sonic seas.

Not for you! Not today. Let me show you the map.

1- Organize Your Session

2- Set Up Routing

3- Balance Levels

4- Process Tracks

5- Automation

6- Effects

7- Finalize

It’s not crucial that you use this exact workflow, so long as you have one. If you have a set process that you use every time you mix, you’ll mix not only faster but better.

A repeatable and predictable workflow allows you to stay engaged with the right, creative side of your brain. Getting rid of the tedious, non-musical tasks...

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Mixing Simplified - Compression 101

En Garde! Now to confront the mysterious beast called compression.

What is it?

Compressors are technically defined as an amplitude; or dynamic processor.

They affect the amplitude of a sine wave; AKA the loudness we perceive. In the simplest of terms, a compressor allows you to control the dynamics of a sound, being the difference between it’s loudest and quietest parts.

In street lingo, think—Automatic volume knob.

A great analogy for a compressor is a boxer and a punching bag. The boxer’s punch is the sound signal and the punching bag is the compressor. Imagine your audio is the punch, and the compressor is the cushion.

Every time a punch hits the bag, you hear a satisfying “thwack”. The bag gives way slightly, as it absorbs the impact and it swings back. With the perfect punch the right kind of punching bag you can really feel the impact of your hits and start to build some rhythm and momentum. This is what good compression should feel like.


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Mixing Simplified - The Mindset

You’ve got a song arranged, recorded, and edited to perfection. Now you face the final creative step of music production. Before we dive deep into the concepts of mixing, let’s step back for a second and think:

What is your purpose as a mixer?

In other words, what is the role of a mixer? What should the end goal be?

You might be thinking “To make it sound good? Geez, what’s with this guy? Always going on about visions, inner purpose n stuff.”

I heard that!

Trust me this will save you from:

The problem with that definition of mixing is that “good” is a very ambiguous term. How do you define good? When do you know what the mix is “good” enough and call it a day?

Since mixing is a highly technical and complex form of art, we all-to-often get overwhelmed by the details. We get completely sucked into adjusting faders here, EQ’s there, compressors everywhere trying to get the “perfect” sound.

The biggest problem...

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Mixing Simplified - EQ 101

The most useful tool that you have in your arsenal for mixing is the all-mighty equalizer (EQ).

It’s also super fun to call it a spectrum processor and imagine your navigating a harmonicraft.

What Is it?

A good analogy for EQ is modeling a sculpture. You can add or subtract material to adjust the overall shape and perception of the piece. Apply this to mixing, and your sculpting sound!

EQ allows you to adjust the various frequencies of a sound, imagine a bunch of mini faders spread across the whole frequency spectrum. You can alter the frequencies in two ways by boosting or cutting.

The goal is to make enough room for all your sounds, remove unnecessary information, and accentuate their shining qualities. You can also use it as a fun, creative tool.

Filter sweeps for dayz.

Whether they are in plug-in (software) or outboard (hardware) form, the principles of EQ are universal. You’ll see these on guitar amps, home studio systems, and even your phone’s audio...

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10 Invaluable Recording Tips For Professional Results In Your Home Studio.

I’m currently recording a debut ep from the ground up with a band.

As we discussed ideas and our plan of attack, I knew we would have to address certain key components as we progressed. Such as finding the tempo (or multiple tempos in this case) of the songs before recording. And deciding where we would record drums.

Keys To The Harmonicraft

Throughout the whole process, from first hitting record to completing the final mix, there are some crucial tips that I’ve come to learn over the years.

This is what I would tell myself 10 years ago when I was just starting out in the audio world. If you are a beginner or need a refresher on the fundamentals, you’ll find these invaluable!

1) **Get It Right At The Source**- If you are recording and mixing the same track, spend more time and effort on the recording phase. Get solid takes, stellar tones, and unique performances.

A high-quality mix is 80% the recording and 20% the mix. Properly tuned instruments, new strings, and...

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