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Why your new years resolution's will FAIL (and how not to)

The way you start anything has a huge effect on the result.

The first 10% of anything you do during the day, week, month or year has a huge impact on the rest of the 90% that follows. Once you build momentum, inertia is on your side.

If you’re serious about making 2024 your best musical year ever - it’s worth the effort to build a game plan

Why most people fail

The vast majority of people in the world do not do yearly reviews.

That sets them off at the beginning of the year at a massive disadvantage compared to those who do. Be the minority.

Those who DO a review usually use the wrong methods. The problem with most people's planning is that it’s too abstract, too touchy-feely, and isn’t actionable with clear steps to hit your goals.

Fact: Setbacks are constants. They will continue to happen again and again as time moves forward - that’s why you need to plan for it in advance.

  • Life will happen and throw curveballs

  • You will fall off the plan for your...

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How To Overcome Writer's Block - 5 Music Production Tips

7 Simple Steps To Take Your Songs From Start To Finish. Download Your FREE Pro Producer Roadmap PDF:

Out of ideas to continue a song? How do you stop writer's block with your music?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked.

In this video, I'll share some mindset and strategies to getting over writer's block with your music.

Writer's block in music production happens to everyone but left untreated can stifle your music production process, your music production productivity and leave you with music production creative block.

We'll go over many different music production tips and various ways to overcome writer's block in your music.

Get ready to vanquish music production creative block for good!

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The Music Producers Survival Guide

As music producers, we are often are hyper-focused on our craft, the next best idea or another glimpse into the genius of the divine muses. However, we often overlook some of the basic foundations for our music-making: 


You may not have been into health before, but right now everyone on planet earth is reeeally into health.

As you know we are in the midst of a global situation, almost overnight everyone has now become 100% focused on health. Which I would argue, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

You can’t be productively making music while you’re sick after all!

Although this circumstance can be scary I invite you to try to change your perspective on the situation. This is an opportunity (especially if you now have more of a free schedule) to direct your attention to improving your health and your craft.

This is the perfect time to unplug from the stress of the mass hysteria and direct your focus inwards.

Your Personal Body Guard

Your number one defense...

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Winemaking, Alchemy, and Music. How to Transform Your Music Into the Golden Grape Juice of the Gods

Wine, music, and alchemy? What is this… a french wizard house party?

I promise this article is 95%, not a french wizard party.


Now that you’ve experienced once of the weirdest introductions ever, let me bluntly tell you what this article is about.

How the process of winemaking and music production are the SAME.

Check it.

Gaufre Coeur

Heart waffles, if you don’t speak french.

When I was growing up I often had sleepovers at my grandmas aka “Ma Mamie” (yes, I’m a Frenchie). Fun fact: a sleepover in french is called “une pyjamade”

It’s almost like Pyjama-Lemonade. HA

We had such a special bond, I loved her with all of my being. *heart emoji*

We engaged in all sorts of activities together. We tended her beautiful garden, played hide and seek, finished puzzles and ate heart-shaped waffles. The best.

Now you understand the reference!

Throughout those multiple experiences at her house, I couldn’t help but notice...

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How To Master Music Production Through the Chariot of Your Mind


Heyo! I recently got back from NAMM 2020 in Anaheim California!

I thoroughly enjoyed the weather, especially since I was avoiding -30 blizzards back home.

Winnipeg = A frozen death hole in winter. It should be called Winterpeg. For Realz.

As you might know, NAMM (National Assembly Of Music Merchants) is a trade show of all things music in one giant convention center. I’m not kidding when I say enormous, over 100,000 people attend this thing with several thousands of exhibitors and merchants.

Throughout the weekend I saw all sorts of new gear: guitars, pedals, drums, recording devices, plugins, software, amplifiers, microphones, etc. I also made a bunch of new friends!

As cool as it was to see all these new products, nothing (thankfully) really tempted my G.A.S (gear acquisition syndrome). 

In this article, I’m going to talk about how G.A.S can be the symptom of a deeper underlying problem in your music productions.

Inside Out

As music producers, we’ll...

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Welcome the New Year of 2020 Third Eye Vision

Happy New Year!

We’ve just entered 2020, a new year and a new decade!

Along with celebrating the end/beginning of a year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year and envision the next one to come.

We all have the ambition to make our lives better. Better health, better relationships, better opportunities, better work-life balance and most of all, make better music.

In this post, I’d like to help you not only envision what 2020 will look for you but how to transform yourself into the person to turn that vision into reality!

2020 Vision

Someone with 20/20 vision has optimal use of their eyes.

However, how clearly can you see your future through your mind’s eye?

The single most important step towards accomplishing your new year's resolutions is to have a CLEAR vision; to have 20/20 vision in terms of your goals and desires.

This is the perfect analogy for the year 2020. Muahaha

The better you can paint the picture of what you would like to accomplish,...

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Welcome the Spirit of Giving and Receiving Into Your Music

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays yo!

Hopefully, your holy-daze is comprised of the spirit of giving, sharing, and connection… as opposed to mindless overconsumption. Mindful overconsumption is totally fine though.

Two words: Mindful Intention

In this post, I’d like to talk about the spirit of giving and receiving and how it connects to your relationship with making music.

Giving = Receiving

“No one has ever become poor by giving”—Anne Frank

You may have never thought of it this way, but truly giving and truly receiving are the same thing; energetically speaking they are identical.

When you unconditionally give to someone from your heart, no strings attached, no expectations; you are simultaneously receiving the gift of giving.

Once you understand why you’re giving and how it makes you feel to give, you’ll quickly realize what true giving is. You should feel uplifted and joyful from giving, not feel as though you were obligated or...

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How You Can Become A Productive Music Producing Ninja With 7 Tips.

Have you ever been frustrated by a slow repetitious process? Or just can’t seem to get songs finished?

Or the worst nightmare of the music producer… lose your work?

Music production is a vast subject. Whether you’re a beginner or know your DAW like the back of your hand, you know there’s A LOT to learn.

On the technical side, we focus on things such as EQ techniques, parallel compression, reverb buses, mixing strategy, etc.

On the creative side, we focus on the arrangement, melodies, harmonies, rhythms, lyrics, etc.

What’s most often overlooked is a proper workflow approach. With so much to learn, it’s often pushed aside. Yet, it can have the most impact on your overall productivity.

Once you’ve produced a few tracks you’ll inevitably realize that certain production methods you use might actually be slowing you down.

It’s time to design a home studio workflow to remove all your roadblocks and skyrocket your productivity!


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Bilingualism, Music And The Ear Of The Beholder

Human culture expresses itself through different music and different languages. It could be said that music and language are the pillars of being human. The question begs: what do language and music have in common?

In truth, music and language have many similarities. Such as their own system of symbols, modes of expression, and even how our brains process them. One key difference is that:

Music is a universal language.

The beautiful thing about music is that you can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can’t with ordinary languages such as English or French.

I should know, I’m a hairy french-Canadian musician.

Symbols and Meanings.

What is language? Simply put, it’s a method in which we communicate and express ourselves. All languages have a set system of symbols with meaning attached to them.

Isn’t it funny how this could directly describe music? Hehe, that tickles my amygdala.

Just like language, music has syntax rules....

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Mixing Simplified - Workflow

Mindset check. Mixing tools check. Now we’re ready to talk about a mixing workflow; A game plan on how to approach the mix from beginning to end.

Mix Sequence Initiate!—Ze Plan

A workflow process will allow you to stay on track while working on a mix. It will allow you to stay in “flow state” aka “the zone” aka creative headspace.

All-too-often I’ve found myself at rock bottom, mindlessly adjusting knobs and getting lost in the sonic seas.

Not for you! Not today. Let me show you the map.

1- Organize Your Session

2- Set Up Routing

3- Balance Levels

4- Process Tracks

5- Automation

6- Effects

7- Finalize

It’s not crucial that you use this exact workflow, so long as you have one. If you have a set process that you use every time you mix, you’ll mix not only faster but better.

A repeatable and predictable workflow allows you to stay engaged with the right, creative side of your brain. Getting rid of the tedious, non-musical tasks...

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