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Welcome the Spirit of Giving and Receiving Into Your Music

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays yo!

Hopefully, your holy-daze is comprised of the spirit of giving, sharing, and connection… as opposed to mindless overconsumption. Mindful overconsumption is totally fine though.

Two words: Mindful Intention

In this post, I’d like to talk about the spirit of giving and receiving and how it connects to your relationship with making music.

Giving = Receiving

“No one has ever become poor by giving” — Anne Frank

You may have never thought of it this way, but truly giving and truly receiving are the same thing; energetically speaking they are identical.

When you unconditionally give to someone from your heart, no strings attached, no expectations; you are simultaneously receiving the gift of giving.

Once you understand why you’re giving and how it makes you feel to give, you’ll quickly realize what true giving is. You should feel uplifted and joyful from giving, not feel as though you were obligated or have lost something.

Tip: Try giving in secret. If you’re able to give without telling anyone about it and feel the bliss of giving, you’ll know it’s genuine.

Whether your giving in the form of a gift, attention or affection the most important part about giving and receiving is your underlying intention of love.

The opposite of this energy would be taking. Taking from, or strategically letting yourself be taken by is based out of fear and scarcity. Fear of not having enough, fear of rejection, fear of appearing vulnerable, fear of connection.

Seeking to gain from others, quantifying the value of gifts and calculating numbers are isolated from any true connection.

Keep that in mind as we segue to:

The Spirit Of Music

Music is a teacher, a therapist, a guide, a friend and most importantly a great party host.

Music gives what she receives. Gift your authenticity and creativity and receive more inspiration and progress in your music.

So often when we’re making music or trying to be creative we actually end up burying our inner voice and interfere with creative guidance, aka inspiration.

Quiet the mind and clarify your intention.

When you harness a pure intention to share a message with your creative expression, behold as the spirit of music unveils the path for you to manifest it.

If you express your willingness to learn and to better express yourself musically, you’ll start to notice more opportunities to do so. When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.

If you can interface and work with your subconscious mind, you’ll start to shift your reality with your mindset and perception. The more you can clearly state what you’d like to achieve and why the better abled the inner machinations of your mind can make it happen!

This all sums up to finding an authentic purpose as to why you’re making music!

I truly hope that you received my intention behind this post. I hope you have a loved filled celebration with your friends family, whatever you may celebrate!

Interested in learning more? Click here to download your Mindset Map and discover your next steps in your musical journey.

My name is Alexandre Joyal. I help music creators achieve success with their music by teaching them how to produce themselves and adopt a creative mindset.


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