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Rick Rubin And The Mind-Body Zen Of Your Musical Creativity

Have you ever listened to something so attentively that you start hearing layers that you never heard before, or perhaps that aren’t even there in the first place?

Thank goodness hearing music in your head is a lot more socially acceptable than hearing voices!

When you synchronize your mind with the musical pallet you’re working with, it sparks ideas. It enhances your sensitivity to the dynamics. It gives you a new perspective. It magnifies details. Which leads us to the question…

Can mindfulness enhance musical creativity?

What is Mindfulness?

Have you ever been the passenger in a vehicle and couldn’t remember a single thing about the directions you took to get to your destination? Or forgot someone's name within 5 seconds of learning it? Or read a paragraph without remembering anything you just read? (Hopefully not this one).

That would be the opposite of what we call “mindful”.

As humans, many of us aren’t actually “present”...

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