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Winemaking, Alchemy, and Music. How to Transform Your Music Into the Golden Grape Juice of the Gods

Wine, music, and alchemy? What is this… a french wizard house party?

I promise this article is 95%, not a french wizard party.


Now that you’ve experienced once of the weirdest introductions ever, let me bluntly tell you what this article is about.

How the process of winemaking and music production are the SAME.

Check it.

Gaufre Coeur

Heart waffles, if you don’t speak french.

When I was growing up I often had sleepovers at my grandmas aka “Ma Mamie” (yes, I’m a Frenchie). Fun fact: a sleepover in french is called “une pyjamade”

It’s almost like Pyjama-Lemonade. HA

We had such a special bond, I loved her with all of my being. *heart emoji*

We engaged in all sorts of activities together. We tended her beautiful garden, played hide and seek, finished puzzles and ate heart-shaped waffles. The best.

Now you understand the reference!

Throughout those multiple experiences at her house, I couldn’t help but notice...

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Being Human, Making Music and the Quintessence; the Convergence Point of the Elements.

What are the 4 elements?

Originating from a combination of ancient Egyptian, Greek, Alchemical, and Chinese (5 elements) philosophies, it conceptualizes that certain archetypal forces reveal themselves in nature.

Since that definition sounds like it’s straight out of some old dusty ancient dictionary, let’s put into other words.

Basically, it’s the idea that throughout nature there are different temperaments that are expressed. Just like you and I have different personality traits, so do the 4 elements.

Don’t give me that look! You do it all the time. “That’s a mean looking storm” “What nice a gentle breeze” “Sigh.. what a miserable rainy day”

Contrary to the common perception of the 4 elements, they do not attempt to describe their physical counterparts. The four elements relate to the qualities of energy and matter. Not literal fire, air, water and earth that we find in our physical environment.

The 4 elements are...

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The Musical Alchemist - A Mind's Eye Mindset You Need to Channel Your Creativity and Share Your Authenticity

The creative mind has always been an enigma. Abstract, right-brain thinkers and artists usually are the first to come to mind when the subject of creativity arises. From fanciful euphoria to self-perpetuating depression, creatives explore themselves through their expression.

The truth is that everyone has the ability to be creative. Yes even YOU!

If you think about the formation of celestial bodies or the process of making wine, the act of creation in itself aims to break the mold, explore different states, to destroy and combine things to produce new results.

In other words, ALL creation is a form of transformation.

I’d like to show you how unlocking your own musical creativity, through the lens of the ancient practice of alchemy, can spark new perceptions and reveal the hidden genius inside you!

Artistic alchemy is truly the leader in self-transformation.

A paradigm for creative, personal and spiritual development.

“Art is not a thing, it is a way”—...
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