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Bilingualism, Music And The Ear Of The Beholder

Human culture expresses itself through different music and different languages. It could be said that music and language are the pillars of being human. The question begs: what do language and music have in common?

In truth, music and language have many similarities. Such as their own system of symbols, modes of expression, and even how our brains process them. One key difference is that:

Music is a universal language.

The beautiful thing about music is that you can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can’t with ordinary languages such as English or French.

I should know, I’m a hairy french-Canadian musician.

Symbols and Meanings.

What is language? Simply put, it’s a method in which we communicate and express ourselves. All languages have a set system of symbols with meaning attached to them.

Isn’t it funny how this could directly describe music? Hehe, that tickles my amygdala.

Just like language, music has syntax rules....

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Ikigai, the Raison D'être for Fulfillment In Your Music Life.

Three languages in one title? Come on Alex…

“Raison d’être”. You may have heard that expression before, which means a reason for being. You’ve got to give me that one… cause I’m French.

As for “Ikigai” its a Japanese concept that also means “a reason for being”.

Funny how both of these very different cultures have concepts built around the idea of a reason for being. A life’s purpose. Maybe they’re onto something?

Your Music’s Purpose

I’d like to take that idea and apply it to YOUR music.

I believe that to best embody the role of a musician, producer or artist is to establish a way of life built around your craft. If your beliefs, values, habits, lifestyle, passions, purpose and ambitions, all express your essence as a human being…

Where does music fit in?

The purpose and meaning of your life’s journey should guide your creative pursuits. The more you can answer the...

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Overcome the Common Creative Struggle. How to Unlock Total Creative Freedom and Become Your Own Rockstar Employee.

You’re a creative, you’re passionate, you have something to express! You want to be a professional, living a life of total creative freedom. Working on what you want, when you want. Loving what you do because you chose to do it, not because you have to.

The truth is, the deep desire you have to express yourself, is at the fundamental core of your being.

Trust me, it’s not going anywhere.

You may have discovered this already. Yet, to achieve a lifestyle that centers around your passion and creativity, YOU have to build it.

You must become the rockstar of your world and CREATE your career. It won’t manifest itself, and no one will give it to you.

You’re going to have become the magic that makes it happen! To become magical, you must COMMIT yourself to the art of the craft.

Now it’s time to roll up those sleeves! (I hope you have sleeves)

The Paradox Of Freedom

Paradox is an interesting concept. In essence, it means something that contradicts...

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