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Ikigai, the Raison D'être for Fulfillment In Your Music Life.

Three languages in one title? Come on Alex…

“Raison d’être”. You may have heard that expression before, which means a reason for being. You’ve got to give me that one… cause I’m French.

As for “Ikigai” its a Japanese concept that also means “a reason for being”.

Funny how both of these very different cultures have concepts built around the idea of a reason for being. A life’s purpose. Maybe they’re onto something?

Your Music’s Purpose

I’d like to take that idea and apply it to YOUR music.

I believe that to best embody the role of a musician, producer or artist is to establish a way of life built around your craft. If your beliefs, values, habits, lifestyle, passions, purpose and ambitions, all express your essence as a human being…

Where does music fit in?

The purpose and meaning of your life’s journey should guide your creative pursuits. The more you can answer the deeper questions about your “why?” in music, the clearer your vision will become. The more you understand the role it plays in your life, the more fulfillment you’ll feel in making it.

Your “way” will shape itself as you visualize your path and define your intentions.

What’s your underlying reason in the pursuit of creating music? I think it’s really important for you to figure out why you’re making music. I know, I know, it’s a deeply personal question. And it doesn’t always have an easy answer.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be as extreme as to be the defining reason for your existence (though there’s nothing wrong if it is!). It can simply be an important supporting pillar in your overall live balance.

Whether it's a career path as a musician, producer, teacher or engineer, pure artistic expression, a fun hobby, a fascinating subject of learning, film score, composing, etc, just try to be honest with yourself.

The Convergent Lifestyle

Ikigai suggests that your life’s purpose emerges at the intersection of the answers to these questions:

1. What do I love?
2. What am I good at?
3. What can I be paid for now — or something that could transform into my future hustle?
4. What does the world need?

The concept claims that at the convergence of these four answers is where you should live your life. If you lack a single field, you’ll find something is missing in your life.

For example:
If you have a career that you’re skilled at, but you don’t have a passion for it, you’ll find the love for your career is missing.

If you do what you love and are good at, but can’t get paid for it, you’ll struggle to sustain it.

If you do what you love, are good at it, and it pays the bills, but it’s not what the world needs, you’ll eventually feel a void of purpose in your work.

“This is the most powerful investment we can ever make in life — investment in ourselves, in the only instrument we have which to deal with life and to contribute. We are the instruments of our own performance” — Stephan Covey

Follow Your Life’s Purpose

It’s okay if you don’t quite have the answers right now, but once you do, trust me, it’ll stick with you. You’ll know it’s the right path.

The key to contemplating these questions is to envision a sustainable life that supports you in all the fundamental needs of the human experience. What does it look like? What needs to change to make it a reality?

If you can be truthful with yourself in contemplating your strengths and weaknesses, positive habits and destructive behaviors, preferences, and dislikes, you’ll be best able to build a holistic lifestyle.

The goal is that your efforts in life support you, not only in your music but in all your life’s endeavors.

Once you’ve discovered your “raison d’être” within and around music, the part music plays in your life, then you’ll be able to live your life to its fullest potential.

Interested in learning more? Click here to download your Mindset Map and discover your next steps in your musical journey.

My name is Alexandre Joyal. I help music creators achieve success with their music by teaching them how to produce themselves and adopt a creative mindset.


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