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The Music Producers Survival Guide

As music producers, we are often are hyper-focused on our craft, the next best idea or another glimpse into the genius of the divine muses. However, we often overlook some of the basic foundations for our music-making: 


You may not have been into health before, but right now everyone on planet earth is reeeally into health.

As you know we are in the midst of a global situation, almost overnight everyone has now become 100% focused on health. Which I would argue, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

You can’t be productively making music while you’re sick after all!

Although this circumstance can be scary I invite you to try to change your perspective on the situation. This is an opportunity (especially if you now have more of a free schedule) to direct your attention to improving your health and your craft.

This is the perfect time to unplug from the stress of the mass hysteria and direct your focus inwards.

Your Personal Body Guard

Your number one defense...

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Welcome the Spirit of Giving and Receiving Into Your Music

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays yo!

Hopefully, your holy-daze is comprised of the spirit of giving, sharing, and connection… as opposed to mindless overconsumption. Mindful overconsumption is totally fine though.

Two words: Mindful Intention

In this post, I’d like to talk about the spirit of giving and receiving and how it connects to your relationship with making music.

Giving = Receiving

“No one has ever become poor by giving”—Anne Frank

You may have never thought of it this way, but truly giving and truly receiving are the same thing; energetically speaking they are identical.

When you unconditionally give to someone from your heart, no strings attached, no expectations; you are simultaneously receiving the gift of giving.

Once you understand why you’re giving and how it makes you feel to give, you’ll quickly realize what true giving is. You should feel uplifted and joyful from giving, not feel as though you were obligated or...

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Rick Rubin And The Mind-Body Zen Of Your Musical Creativity

Have you ever listened to something so attentively that you start hearing layers that you never heard before, or perhaps that aren’t even there in the first place?

Thank goodness hearing music in your head is a lot more socially acceptable than hearing voices!

When you synchronize your mind with the musical pallet you’re working with, it sparks ideas. It enhances your sensitivity to the dynamics. It gives you a new perspective. It magnifies details. Which leads us to the question…

Can mindfulness enhance musical creativity?

What is Mindfulness?

Have you ever been the passenger in a vehicle and couldn’t remember a single thing about the directions you took to get to your destination? Or forgot someone's name within 5 seconds of learning it? Or read a paragraph without remembering anything you just read? (Hopefully not this one).

That would be the opposite of what we call “mindful”.

As humans, many of us aren’t actually “present”...

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Authenticity, the Mysterious Force Behind the Meaning of Your Music and Your Creative Confidence

In our current information age, we have never before seen access to create and listen to music. As a music artist, how do you stand out? How do we remain memorable? How do you pierce through the veil of information fog that surrounds us?


You want to be original? You want to be different? Unique? There’s one surefire way, my friend…

Be yourself, exceptionally.

Then, all you need is the confidence to consistently share YOUR own experiences!

Know Thyself

Partially pioneered by rock, punk, and metal in popular music culture, authenticity could be described as “@#$% you, I’m gonna do what I want” or“being yourself”. Familiar themes are challenging the status quo and ignoring the mainstream mass appeal.

What’s ironic is, that’s what’s appealing!

I can sense your left brain urging to comment “Alex, being authentic is a completely subjective concept. There’s no way to objectively measure or gauge it, how...

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How to Master Your Human Instrument. Standing Waves, Why They're Cool and You Should Care.

What are standing waves?

Basically they’re waves that stand around, definitely not sitting down. HA, blog post done. PEACE.

More seriously though… it’s like the loud guy at a bar, adding that extra tension in the room.

Okay, okay. Final stage of seriousness.

Standing waves are commonly known in the audio world as the accumulation of resonant frequencies within a control room. If it remains untreated with soundproofing, these standing waves will create pockets of heightened sound pressure areas that will interfere with the listeners' perspective.

This can be a huge obstacle for mixing engineers, even home studio producers. Having an optimal listening environment to create an accurate representation of the frequencies you’re working with is a crucial component in designing your sounds and ultimately finishing your work.

Opera Singers and Bridges

All objects emanate a core set of frequencies when struck, strummed or somehow otherwise disturbed (like...

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The Musical Alchemist - A Mind's Eye Mindset You Need to Channel Your Creativity and Share Your Authenticity

The creative mind has always been an enigma. Abstract, right-brain thinkers and artists usually are the first to come to mind when the subject of creativity arises. From fanciful euphoria to self-perpetuating depression, creatives explore themselves through their expression.

The truth is that everyone has the ability to be creative. Yes even YOU!

If you think about the formation of celestial bodies or the process of making wine, the act of creation in itself aims to break the mold, explore different states, to destroy and combine things to produce new results.

In other words, ALL creation is a form of transformation.

I’d like to show you how unlocking your own musical creativity, through the lens of the ancient practice of alchemy, can spark new perceptions and reveal the hidden genius inside you!

Artistic alchemy is truly the leader in self-transformation.

A paradigm for creative, personal and spiritual development.

“Art is not a thing, it is a way”—...
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