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How To Make Better Music? This Plugin Will Change Your Life

7 Simple Steps To Take Your Songs From Start To Finish. Download Your FREE Pro Producer Roadmap PDF:

Do you get stuck writing chords or have trouble finding compelling sounds and harmony?

Usually, I preach that the gear doesn't matter... but this is a very powerful tool.

Scalar 2 is your music theory cheat code. If you into how to learn music theory, learn music production, learn music scales, and how to make better music, then look no further than Scalar 2.

The scalar 2 plugin is undoubtedly one of the best plugins 2021.

I'll be demonstrating scalar 2 in Ableton, how scalar 2 detects audio, how to learn music scales, how to make better melodies, and how to write music without an instrument.

You can use scalar 2 to:

1. Discover chords and melodies

2. Analyze audio and midi

3. Perform various expressions with ease

4. Create your own chord progressions

5. Use it as a powerful learning tool

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How To Overcome Writer's Block - 5 Music Production Tips

7 Simple Steps To Take Your Songs From Start To Finish. Download Your FREE Pro Producer Roadmap PDF:

Out of ideas to continue a song? How do you stop writer's block with your music?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked.

In this video, I'll share some mindset and strategies to getting over writer's block with your music.

Writer's block in music production happens to everyone but left untreated can stifle your music production process, your music production productivity and leave you with music production creative block.

We'll go over many different music production tips and various ways to overcome writer's block in your music.

Get ready to vanquish music production creative block for good!

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The Music Producers Survival Guide

As music producers, we are often are hyper-focused on our craft, the next best idea or another glimpse into the genius of the divine muses. However, we often overlook some of the basic foundations for our music-making: 


You may not have been into health before, but right now everyone on planet earth is reeeally into health.

As you know we are in the midst of a global situation, almost overnight everyone has now become 100% focused on health. Which I would argue, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

You can’t be productively making music while you’re sick after all!

Although this circumstance can be scary I invite you to try to change your perspective on the situation. This is an opportunity (especially if you now have more of a free schedule) to direct your attention to improving your health and your craft.

This is the perfect time to unplug from the stress of the mass hysteria and direct your focus inwards.

Your Personal Body Guard

Your number one defense...

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Winemaking, Alchemy, and Music. How to Transform Your Music Into the Golden Grape Juice of the Gods

Wine, music, and alchemy? What is this… a french wizard house party?

I promise this article is 95%, not a french wizard party.


Now that you’ve experienced once of the weirdest introductions ever, let me bluntly tell you what this article is about.

How the process of winemaking and music production are the SAME.

Check it.

Gaufre Coeur

Heart waffles, if you don’t speak french.

When I was growing up I often had sleepovers at my grandmas aka “Ma Mamie” (yes, I’m a Frenchie). Fun fact: a sleepover in french is called “une pyjamade”

It’s almost like Pyjama-Lemonade. HA

We had such a special bond, I loved her with all of my being. *heart emoji*

We engaged in all sorts of activities together. We tended her beautiful garden, played hide and seek, finished puzzles and ate heart-shaped waffles. The best.

Now you understand the reference!

Throughout those multiple experiences at her house, I couldn’t help but notice...

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Break Through Your Creative Walls With The Law Of Rhythm.

I’ve been staring at a dreaded blank screen for a while now, struggling to come up with an idea worth writing about.

I looked through my list of blog ideas, yet none of them really inspired me to pursue them at this moment.

Sometimes when you want to be creative, you hit walls.

And that’s okay.

What trumps crystal clarity, or the passion behind a great idea, is simply this: consistency

Developing a commitment to show up regularly and engage in the creative process is the pathway to all great works. It is the rhythmic relationship you have with your creativity that will spawn your moments of genius.

Law Of Rhythm

Let’s go down a little rabbit hole (a small one I swear!)

The Hermetic Principle of Rhythm states this: everything goes through cycles, yet everything has a rhythm or a pattern.

In today’s world, we see and praise great things, while often overlooking the process it took to achieve them.

That process, aka your...

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Welcome the Spirit of Giving and Receiving Into Your Music

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays yo!

Hopefully, your holy-daze is comprised of the spirit of giving, sharing, and connection… as opposed to mindless overconsumption. Mindful overconsumption is totally fine though.

Two words: Mindful Intention

In this post, I’d like to talk about the spirit of giving and receiving and how it connects to your relationship with making music.

Giving = Receiving

“No one has ever become poor by giving”—Anne Frank

You may have never thought of it this way, but truly giving and truly receiving are the same thing; energetically speaking they are identical.

When you unconditionally give to someone from your heart, no strings attached, no expectations; you are simultaneously receiving the gift of giving.

Once you understand why you’re giving and how it makes you feel to give, you’ll quickly realize what true giving is. You should feel uplifted and joyful from giving, not feel as though you were obligated or...

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How You Can Become A Productive Music Producing Ninja With 7 Tips.

Have you ever been frustrated by a slow repetitious process? Or just can’t seem to get songs finished?

Or the worst nightmare of the music producer… lose your work?

Music production is a vast subject. Whether you’re a beginner or know your DAW like the back of your hand, you know there’s A LOT to learn.

On the technical side, we focus on things such as EQ techniques, parallel compression, reverb buses, mixing strategy, etc.

On the creative side, we focus on the arrangement, melodies, harmonies, rhythms, lyrics, etc.

What’s most often overlooked is a proper workflow approach. With so much to learn, it’s often pushed aside. Yet, it can have the most impact on your overall productivity.

Once you’ve produced a few tracks you’ll inevitably realize that certain production methods you use might actually be slowing you down.

It’s time to design a home studio workflow to remove all your roadblocks and skyrocket your productivity!


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Bilingualism, Music And The Ear Of The Beholder

Human culture expresses itself through different music and different languages. It could be said that music and language are the pillars of being human. The question begs: what do language and music have in common?

In truth, music and language have many similarities. Such as their own system of symbols, modes of expression, and even how our brains process them. One key difference is that:

Music is a universal language.

The beautiful thing about music is that you can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can’t with ordinary languages such as English or French.

I should know, I’m a hairy french-Canadian musician.

Symbols and Meanings.

What is language? Simply put, it’s a method in which we communicate and express ourselves. All languages have a set system of symbols with meaning attached to them.

Isn’t it funny how this could directly describe music? Hehe, that tickles my amygdala.

Just like language, music has syntax rules....

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Mixing Simplified - Compression 101

En Garde! Now to confront the mysterious beast called compression.

What is it?

Compressors are technically defined as an amplitude; or dynamic processor.

They affect the amplitude of a sine wave; AKA the loudness we perceive. In the simplest of terms, a compressor allows you to control the dynamics of a sound, being the difference between it’s loudest and quietest parts.

In street lingo, think—Automatic volume knob.

A great analogy for a compressor is a boxer and a punching bag. The boxer’s punch is the sound signal and the punching bag is the compressor. Imagine your audio is the punch, and the compressor is the cushion.

Every time a punch hits the bag, you hear a satisfying “thwack”. The bag gives way slightly, as it absorbs the impact and it swings back. With the perfect punch the right kind of punching bag you can really feel the impact of your hits and start to build some rhythm and momentum. This is what good compression should feel like.


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Mixing Simplified - The Mindset

You’ve got a song arranged, recorded, and edited to perfection. Now you face the final creative step of music production. Before we dive deep into the concepts of mixing, let’s step back for a second and think:

What is your purpose as a mixer?

In other words, what is the role of a mixer? What should the end goal be?

You might be thinking “To make it sound good? Geez, what’s with this guy? Always going on about visions, inner purpose n stuff.”

I heard that!

Trust me this will save you from:

The problem with that definition of mixing is that “good” is a very ambiguous term. How do you define good? When do you know what the mix is “good” enough and call it a day?

Since mixing is a highly technical and complex form of art, we all-to-often get overwhelmed by the details. We get completely sucked into adjusting faders here, EQ’s there, compressors everywhere trying to get the “perfect” sound.

The biggest problem...

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