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The Diagnosis Of An Artist - What's the Mental Health Of Your Musical Mind?

You know you’ve felt it…

Harnessing an insatiable desire to create and express yourself. The constant presence of a melody, a drum beat, a lyrical metaphor or even a whole symphony orchestra singing in your mind’s eye.

You think deeper. You see different. You feel… passionately.

Behold, the diagnosis of an artistic mind.

The Artists Struggle

Most definitions that are made about being a musical artist are those who write songs, create sonic expressions, sing, play an instrument, entertain, experiment, and are a free spirit. All can be very true!

What’s often overlooked is the internal conflict of being an artist. It's difficult in general to process intense emotions, and an even bigger struggle to express them in your craft.

Getting caught in a spiral of writing music seamlessly void of meaning, writer’s block, life on the road, fruitless efforts, hesitation, self-doubt and feeling isolated are all common symptoms of the artist.

The struggle...

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