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The Music Producers Survival Guide

As music producers, we are often are hyper-focused on our craft, the next best idea or another glimpse into the genius of the divine muses. However, we often overlook some of the basic foundations for our music-making: 


You may not have been into health before, but right now everyone on planet earth is reeeally into health.

As you know we are in the midst of a global situation, almost overnight everyone has now become 100% focused on health. Which I would argue, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

You can’t be productively making music while you’re sick after all!

Although this circumstance can be scary I invite you to try to change your perspective on the situation. This is an opportunity (especially if you now have more of a free schedule) to direct your attention to improving your health and your craft.

This is the perfect time to unplug from the stress of the mass hysteria and direct your focus inwards.

Your Personal Body Guard

Your number one defense against infections, viruses, and diseases is having a tank of an immune system. Personally, I haven’t been sick, or ill in over 5 years. 

It’s your most loyal bodyguard, so long as you treat it with respect!

If you can manage to keep your body strong and re-strike a balance after less-than-healthy activities, you’ll greatly reduce your risk of getting sick.

You’ll feel better, think clearer and be more confident in your musical creativity.

Here’s a list of plant-based foods that will help provide the nutrients to boost your immune system. They will also flush mucus and toxins out of your body.

Vitamine C 


Blueberries - more vitamin C than oranges! 

Bell peppers

Vitamine D






Pumpkin seeds


B Vitamins

B6 - Bananas, bananas, bananas

B9 - Avocados, portabello mushrooms

THE SECRET WEAPON - Tumeric - Cook with it, put it in smoothies or take it straight up! 

It’s anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti Inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antioxidant. 

That’s five A’s, damn! 

The Enemy

"Know your enemy" I think the saying goes.

There are things you should be avoiding that are equally as important to know. We’ve all heard that those who have compromised immune systems are more at risk.

This might seem counter-intuitive but hyper-focusing on the “pandemic” and the associated anxiety, fears and panic will actually suppress your immune system by causing you to be stressed.

Research has shown countless times the link between stress and poor health. Take this nugget of wisdom to take action and direct your thinking towards solutions instead of problems.

A few deeps breaths and a positive attitude can do your state of mind wonders!

In addition to mental and emotional stress, there are other culprits that seek to infiltrate your defenses:


Blue light/too much screen time

Processed foods


Lack of sleep

Finally, don’t forget to try to stay active, even if you’re stuck in your house. Exercise will help your body release toxins and make you feel great with that endorphin boost!

Eye of the Beholder

The single most influential tool you have to navigate inconvenient and stressful situations is your mindset. Regardless of the situation you face, you can always choose how to see it and how to respond.

This is one of our strongest assets as human beings. Conscious choice.

That being said, you’ll want to steer your headspace towards positivity. You can do this by consciously directing your attention towards positive thinking and away from negativity.

Instead of focusing on the chaos, toilet paper or what might happen… focus on having gratitude for what you have, connecting with your family, your health and your music.

This type of thinking parallels the growth mindset which is a shift in perception:

A lesson instead of failure.

An opportunity instead of a problem.

A challenge instead of a roadblock.

Music as thy medicine

Historically, many great musical works have been created during stressful situations whether they’re personal or global.

I think it’s because musicians use their art to cope and heal themselves, usually through a rough time. 

If your feeling uneasy, scared or confused by what may be happening, express it into your art!

Now is your chance to dig deep into whatever you may be feeling in the face of the global pandemic and express it into your music.

Imagine writing, recording and releasing a song expressing how you feel during this time of quarantine. Most of the globe will be able to relate to your message.


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