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How To Master Music Production Through the Chariot of YourĀ Mind


Heyo! I recently got back from NAMM 2020 in Anaheim California!

I thoroughly enjoyed the weather, especially since I was avoiding -30 blizzards back home.

Winnipeg = A frozen death hole in winter. It should be called Winterpeg. For Realz.

As you might know, NAMM (National Assembly Of Music Merchants) is a trade show of all things music in one giant convention center. I’m not kidding when I say enormous, over 100,000 people attend this thing with several thousands of exhibitors and merchants.

Throughout the weekend I saw all sorts of new gear: guitars, pedals, drums, recording devices, plugins, software, amplifiers, microphones, etc. I also made a bunch of new friends!

As cool as it was to see all these new products, nothing (thankfully) really tempted my G.A.S (gear acquisition syndrome). 

In this article, I’m going to talk about how G.A.S can be the symptom of a deeper underlying problem in your music productions.

Inside Out

As music producers, we’ll...

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