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The Modern Creative Problem - Does Too Much Choice Kill Your Creativity?

Decision anxiety, talk about a first-world problem…

Have you ever been sifting through the massive Netflix catalog to then realize you’ve been browsing for half an hour? This is a great example of what happens with too many choices.

It stifles your decision-making abilities, and thus your creativity.

While this applies to practically every creative pursuit, it is especially true when it comes to the modern 21st-century music-making DAW.

We’re bombarded with possibilities: plugins, effects, routing possibilities, instruments, microphones, arrangements, chord progressions, samples, melodies, etc. The choices are endless.

You must find a way to render the vastness of infinity into your creative work. You have to constrain, clarify and calibrate your options to stimulate your creativity.

Analysis Paralysis

The myth we seem to have bought into is that if choice is good, more choice is better.

However, in his book “The Paradox Of Choice” Barry Schwartz says...
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Time For You to Learn the Martial Art of the Musical Entrepreneur

Today, we are in the information age. If your goal is to build a career from your passion for music, you must embrace the truth…

You NEED to become an entrepreneur!

The fact that the accessibility to make music and to reach an audience has greatly increased, have both pros and cons.

With streaming services such as Spotify as the new normal for music consumption and the relatively inexpensive cost to produce and release music, we are in a whole new playing field.

Some of the pros are: 

1. It’s a lot easier to get into making music and create a good product from home. 
2. You can reach a far wider audience than ever before, thanks to the wonders of the internet and social media.

Some of the cons, however: 

1. There’s is a lot more competition since it’s easier to make music and release it.
2. You have to harness the skillset to market and build an engaging audience.

All these changes in the music industry paint a completely new picture of how you...

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Bluelight, Screen Time and Your Eye Health. An Overlooked Problem!

Have you ever been lying awake in bed, tossing and turning, unable to relax and fall asleep right? You know it’s not the usual culprit of dreaming up melodies and song ideas.

Forced to ensure another caffeine-fuelled day form this regular occurrence you ask yourself. What could it be?

Insomnia? An overactive mind? The moon cycle?

Did this by chance happen… after a long evening of staring at your DAW?

Sight And Sleep

Forbes says” Increasing evidence suggests that blue light has a dark side. At night, it can suppress the secretion of melatonin and wreak havoc on our circadian rhythms. Recent studies have shown that extended exposure to blue light can damage the retina, though exactly how it does this has not been clear.”

An often overlooked problem (pun most definitely intended) regarding audio production, recording, and mixing is the potential screen induced sleeplessness and digital eye strain.

There’s a massive amount of deep study on the overall...

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The #1 Secret To Creative Success You Need To Know NOW!


It might seem over-obvious, but it’s commonly overlooked. What is the most crucial component in creating the career of your dreams as a creative?

Damn, that’s a lot of “c’ words in a row, let’s c-c-continue

It’s NOT your ideas, it’s NOT who you know.

It’s finishing. Finishing your work is the most essential step in the creative process. You can only share something, to then be praised for its glory, when it has been completed.

Before you ask…yes, finishing a project is its own step! Every painting, piece of music, book, ex-cetera, has gone through the conscious choice of being completed.

“Alright… I’m calling it, It’s done.”—Future You

Every successful creative has learned how to finish their work and know when to call it complete.

You have to learn the process of how to complete your work in order to share it with the world, grow and move on to bigger and better things!


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Overcome the Common Creative Struggle. How to Unlock Total Creative Freedom and Become Your Own Rockstar Employee.

You’re a creative, you’re passionate, you have something to express! You want to be a professional, living a life of total creative freedom. Working on what you want, when you want. Loving what you do because you chose to do it, not because you have to.

The truth is, the deep desire you have to express yourself, is at the fundamental core of your being.

Trust me, it’s not going anywhere.

You may have discovered this already. Yet, to achieve a lifestyle that centers around your passion and creativity, YOU have to build it.

You must become the rockstar of your world and CREATE your career. It won’t manifest itself, and no one will give it to you.

You’re going to have become the magic that makes it happen! To become magical, you must COMMIT yourself to the art of the craft.

Now it’s time to roll up those sleeves! (I hope you have sleeves)

The Paradox Of Freedom

Paradox is an interesting concept. In essence, it means something that contradicts...

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